Rise Up 4 Change
Our Services
Our Services
Rise Up 4 Change (RU4C) delivers engaging, evidence-based programs for middle and high school youth focusing on developing skills in five core areas:
- Conflict resolution and violence prevention
- Healthy relationships
- Life skills and decision-making
- Social Justice and Equality
- Know your rights
What we can do for partners that work with youth:
- Provide interactive workshops tailored to fit your program
- At your location
- Using high quality, evidence-based curriculums
- Ranging from several months to year-long workshop series
- Conduct family engagement activities
- Provide assessment tools to evaluate our program results
- Virtual Trainings Online
We are certified to provide national curriculums that are proven to be effective
- Too Good for Violence and Drugs by Mendez Foundation
- Life Skills Training by Botvin
- In Touch with Teens by Peace Over Violence Curriculum
- Thinking for a Change by National Institute of Corrections
Who We Serve
- We work with youth from all backgrounds with an emphasis on vulnerable youth such as those who are homeless, LGBT, living in poverty, foster care, or involved with the Juvenile Justice system.
- Our clients include: schools, parks, afterschool programs, community organizations, houses of worship, correctional facilities.
Our Results
- Every workshop is based on a proven curriculum that has demonstrated positive results for youth in rigorous evaluation studies.
- Youth who complete our programs consistently demonstrate improved life skills in standardized program pre and post test scores.
- Our instructors have a special ability to successfully engage youth in workshop activities and discussions—something that can be difficult to achieve with many adolescents. In program evaluation surveys, participants reported that RU4C instructors are approachable and willing to help and that they make the workshops interesting and relevant to their lives.