We All Have a Clock. What Truly Matters Most When You’re Running Out of Time?


 Sometimes I wonder are we similar to hamsters running around a wheel, waiting for change in circumstances around the corner, certain that the busyness is a part of life and always striving for more and never feeling completely satisfied with what we have in life. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about the hamster that continues to run around without waking up to reality. I've come to see in life that the chasing success, fulfillment, the busyness and having it all can suck you in, stealing from you precious time with your family and friends that you can't get back, robbing you of the opportunity to live your life as you really are and see life with all its beauty without all the distractions, fame and fortune of having it all but lacking so much more and just enjoying life and being happy and content with yourself and your imperfections.

It's quite sad sometimes to actually admit and realize that it doesn't matter how smart we are or how much we've achieved, gained and accolades we have, we can help others all day but still not able to see ourselves and focus on what we need in order to be completely happy and free within ourselves. It's nothing new but like so many others in life, if we're not completely aware the busyness can suck us in, stealing from us, robbing from us the opportunity to live our lives as we really are and see life was not meant to just work and die without seeing all its beauty.

For those that's chosen as myself, I believe there will always be an endless to-do-list, head down, determined to continue placing others first and believing it's my place to do so. But I know there's always going to be some things left undone out of my control. Perhaps I'm waking up to something more for myself by sharing this with you. Please don't mistaken me for I know that life is precious. I truly enjoy my life journey of living, giving and helping others. I, too, choose to breathe and accept that I can't do all things nor is it possible for me to do so. I'm aware that it's bigger than me and I understand my assignment in this world. I know deep within what matters most and that's to do what I can for others but never ever forget that I must always take care of myself first and that self-awareness, or life-awareness, and making time for myself, family and friends, is one thing no one can give me and money, fame, or fortune can't buy. My clock is ticking.

I'm learning to rest and relax in the moments of quietness, boredom, peace and happiness. We can't afford to wait until we're burnt out or we experience a life-changing event to get real about our life. I had a private conversation with myself and asked…. Angela, who are you when all the accolades, likes, awards, plaques and accomplishments are gone? Of course, I can learn to master time management, but what does how I manage that time say about what's truly important to me…about the things that matters most?

In the end of time, I believe we come to a place of realization that if something doesn't add to your life, it takes away. And that time always seems slow in the moment but over the course of the years it's eaten so much more than you ever imagined. It's so important that we get out of our heads and get into the things that matters most in our life before it slips away. I'm solely speaking to myself but I hope this helps someone else along the way. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and that's a true fact!

It's Not About You. It's About Your Chosen Path an...


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Saturday, 08 February 2025
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